Woodturning, or shaping wood on a lathe, is a family tradition. Following the Great Depression, my great grandfather, Henry Morse, gave a lathe to his son, John. At the time, the family lived and farmed on a small pear farm in Central California. He used scraps of pear trees from around the farm and redwood from local forests to create bats, spindles, and toys. His proudest accomplishment was turning the fuselage of a Grumman Avenger using an offset turning technique. My grandfather gave the lathe to my dad and me and we began woodturning several years ago. Since that time, we have practiced our art, established two woodworking shops, and opened a small business selling our woodturnings.
Andrew Morse
Taking a piece of timber from a downed tree and creating a bowl or vase is intensely satisfying. I have always enjoyed working with my hands designing and making something that is attractive and useful – woodturning satisfies both.
Jay Morse
“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” - St. Francis of Assissi
I began throwing clay pottery bowls on a potter’s wheel in High School. When my grandfather gave us the old lathe, I began turning bowls first from the oak tree that had fallen in our yard, then a neighbor’s magnolia. I especially enjoy the precision of turning a box with a tight-fitting lid - one that goes "pop" when you open it.
Andrew Morse
And a special thanks to Liz Morse Weaver who contributed the design for the logo. For more of her designs, visit http://thesnarkybeagle.blogspot.com/